Thursday, August 04, 2011

Almost Over

This horrendous week is nearly over with. It's been a struggle on a lot of levels to get through so far. The heat, the amount of work that's come through my shop, Thing 1's fender bender and consequent fallout, and a handful of other things that have occurred this week.

Sometimes it's overwhelming but I know that just like anything else we'll survive and get through it. I really don't know if I can say things will get better or not, I don't know if I can say that we'll have a winning streak of a continuous string of calamities that will follow us around from now on.

I wish I could say for sure but I don't know the future at all but if the saying is right that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger then we will be King Kong standing on Mount Everest by the time this string of events is over with.

On the side of counting our blessings it did rain last night! We got a gully washer and it felt good!

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