Saturday, August 13, 2011


Yep, I made about three gallons of pickles this morning! I bought all Wal-Mart had and a few from another store! I also made two quart jars of spicy pickles that I plan on taking to work with me on Monday.

I've got a ton of pickles now that will last about a year apiece. Again very simple to make, boil the ingredients, let it cool, stuff cucumbers in the jar, and pour the liquid over the future pickles and put in the refrigerator for three to five days.

These are half gallon jars of oniony, garlicy, dilly goodness! Never cooked and would rival a jar of the original super pickle brand, Claussen! It's so cool to be able to make your own and not only save money but have a sometimes superior product! The only way I could do it better would be to grow my own dill, onions, and garlic! Next season I'll be doing something along those lines!

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