Monday, August 22, 2011

Start Of A New Week

Beersnob and I shared a couple of cigars last night and some much needed conversation. He's got some big plans for the business and they are exciting. I'm off today and have to get Thing 2 to freshman orientation this morning while The Date has a class.

It won't be long before one of my goals could possibly be complete! A long time ago I had the thought of showing classic movies at the Theatre as a fundraiser for a lot of the repairs and general upkeep it requires. Turns out The Date and Master Baker were discussing this at Dogtown the other night and Master Baker said he had someone approach him wanting to do the same thing! Someone with some expendable cash that might be interested in donating enough to make it happen!

It might just be a case of it was meant to be. How cool would it be to see a double feature of Kurosawa movies? To show Seven Samurai to a new generation of people on a Friday night. How about two classic scifi movies one evening or two Hitchcock thrillers such as Psycho and Vertigo? Two Bogie and Bacall movies one evening and two John Wayne movies another Friday?

That would be a fun evening and I believe that it would not only raise money to help with the aging theatre's needs but bring some classic movies to a whole new generation. It's the perfect place and it's a great time to get this going at the theatre. I wrote a proposal for the board to look over and vote on and before long this might become a reality:)

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