Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Day Was Easy

Of course it was all just orientation, learning how to clock in and out, and things like that. When it is all said and done I'll be working twenty eight and a half hours a week in addition to my normal forty. It'll be tough but it'll be worth it with everything I'll be able to provide, including a big step up into future security!

Six months is my guess, maybe a big less, maybe a bit more but by then most everything will be caught up, finished, paid, or building and The Date and I will reassess the need for a second job then. We'll know exactly when we need to look at the importance of that many hours then and it's entirely possible I'll cut back my hours before that time anyway.

It really won't be so bad once I get used to the routine. As I blogged yesterday I'm excited about the fact that I'll be getting a paycheck every single week and that will dramatically help us!

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