Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Once again I'm headed to work:) I know I complain or seemingly complain a lot about my job but I'm also grateful for it. A lot of people in today's economy have no job at all to go to and I happen to have one that is reliable, secure, and steady. I am given a lot of time off as well as a great wage. Two retirement packages and federal holidays as well, it's hard to beat in this day and age when thousands of people line up for a handful of jobs.

I'm grateful for my family. The Date has been through a lot and so have the girls. The Date had a good rehearsal last night but came home exhausted and still had homework to finish for today. That's how difficult it is to be a full time student with fifty plus hours to go to your degree and be a full time everything else while handling a part time job.

The Things are handling the start of high school well or will handle it well when it starts tomorrow. Thing 2 already hates high school but she'll adjust. I had a great time in high school, it was a great time for me even though I was very busy.

I didn't enjoy college as much. I was young and too restless for my own good to spend time in another school then. So I dropped out and went to work to save money for who knows what I was thinking at the time. I wanted to start living and be an adult and not be in school anymore. I couldn't wait to grow up but I did have fun being a kid as well.

Regardless of my decision then it has lead me to a good life now, granted I've earned every step and it's not been an easy road as it would have been with a degree but it's what I chose to do. It's defined my education since I left college, I may not be the brightest bulb out there but I'd stack up my intelligence against many and hold my own. I love to read classic novels or longer than average books, you should see my Kindle to see what's on there. I have a deep love for this country and politics.

Politics is the one subject that effects every single person in this country whether they realize it or not, even the apolitical are under the thumb of political decisions made in D.C. It's just best to understand how the system works and to inoculate yourself as best you can against it. That's self sufficiency, something I feel I'll struggle with for a long time but I'll keep learning:) I hope you do too!

I'm grateful to God as well and foremost for without Him then none of this wild and crazy fueled life would be possible to begin with! I've got a decent command of the Bible but far from a real theologian's grasp for sure.

Now though I've got to head off to work and start my week again:)

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