Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our New Terrorists

When you hear the word terrorist what is the first image that pops into your mind? For me it is an Muslim who has been radicalized. Even though I live in Oklahoma I don't think of Timothy McVeigh first.

How many terror attacks have been carried out by Muslim extremists on American soil? I found a list to help you out. This list doesn't include such attacks as Beirut, the embassy bombings, or the USS Cole.

A search for White Middle Class Terrorist attacks on American soil turns up three names, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, and the hero turned accused but never tried Richard Jewell for the Olympic park bomb. I'm sure there is an abortion clinic bomber in there as well but no names are showing.

With such a staggering difference in Muslim terrorist attacks on our own soil versus white attacks on our soil I want to know why Janet Napolitano has decided it's alright to create this public service announcement. Muslims, even American Muslims are the likely first demographic of a terrorist attack on American soil. Why is that so hard to figure out? Why is that offensive?

I guess the white middle class men should be thrilled it's not a guy this time. It would look odd for a man to be leaving a purse in a station after all unless it was a cross dressing gay man but then she would offend the gay community and we can't have that. I'm not even going to search for Gay American Terrorist attacks on American soil....

Look this is a root cause of this whole administration, they hate America and the people who make it run. All Americans, white, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian. All of us who go to work every day make this country run and this administration declared war on us. Our federal justice department hates Americans, from Attorney General Holder filing a law suit against Arizona to Big Sis literally telling the public to watch out for White Female American Middle Class Terrorists!

Big Sis needs to be fired for this offense. She needs to create a PSA that shows an accurately depicted terrorist planting a bomb or getting ready to go on a rampage with a mall as a shooting gallery. That's the real threat Big Sis, do your job.

I just have to close my eyes, relax, and meditate on the words, "November 2012...November 2012...November 2012..."

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