Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday Went Well

And turned from a day with no plans to a work day of epic proportions. R came over with an auger and we dug five holes with it in about ten minutes including the time it took to unload the auger. It made short and fast work of the project.

Now today we'll set the posts and pour some quickcrete around them to set up so we can finish the fence. I'll be doing the same at R's house. Great guy, can't ask for more out of one person.

After drilling the post holes here we went to R's house and thought it would take about the same amount of time to drill maybe a dozen holes. The first hole went fast, sandy, loose soil. The second got the auger drill entangled in some roots and thick clay. The machine didn't have a reverse on it so we couldn't just reverse the drill out of it's stuck state. So we started digging and cutting roots.

It took around three hours of digging by hand, shovel, and screwdriver to free the auger. After it was freed up though the remaining holes took literally less than a half hour to start and finish.

Exhausted and covered with mud, dirt, and sweat I came home and The Date and I did some yard cleaning and tree trimming. Thing 2 helped a lot, that little fifteen year old girl is a workhorse and does more than a lot of my coworkers.

I went to Dogtown for about an hour and a half. Talked over the USBL and it's demise and how it would still be a great league if it had been managed differently. I floated the idea that it's rise and fall would be great documentary material.

Today has few plans, mainly as I said up above, setting posts into the post holes. That's it:)

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