Friday, August 12, 2011

GOP Debate Notes

Enjoyed the GOP debate last night, I'm still hoping for a Cain/Paul ticket. Those two could really get this country back on track in no time, even faster given a majority filibuster proof senate. Herman Cain and Ron Paul are the candidates I'm really the most excited about, they represent a different way of doing business that Washington really needs.

I can't agree with Ron Paul's assessment of Iran by any means but I do appreciate his ideas on nearly every other subject. Herman Cain is just that good to me, I could easily see him being elected and using business strategy alone getting this country back on track!

Manufacturers would flood the states again trying to get back to a business friendly atmosphere! That would expand the tax base, put people back to work, and generate all of the revenue the government needs to generate. I want to see a candidate come out and say we need to lower the debt ceiling! We need to freeze spending right now and cut all federal spending by a minimum of 10% across the board!

Romney is still plastic and fake to me and given the fact that he created Romneycare is still a problem with conservatives, Bachmann is too much of a firebrand and polarizing, Gingrich is a has been and compromises too much with liberals, Pawlenty I could live without pretty easily, and Santorum...meh. Didn't do much for me at all.

Gay marriage is still a state issue to me, if a state wants to allow it then by all means put it up for a vote. I want the federal government out of the lives of people as much as possible and it should be a choice for the people of that state. Limited government means just that to me, limited. Lots of limits.

This will be a pretty fun campaign season and no matter which candidate wins the nomination they all stand a very good chance of firing Obama from his job and ending his path of destruction.

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