Tuesday, August 09, 2011

It's Not Ironic At All

The fact that the stock market has lost nearly ten percent since late last week, the fact that NASDAQ lost six percent in one single day, or the fact that the administration said none of this would happen if a debt deal were struck. That's not irony, it's intentional.

No one is this incompetent, no one. From 2001 to 2007 we had moderates in congress who instead of cutting the size of government while they were there grew it larger than we conservatives wanted. America got fed up with moderate, let's compromise with them conservatives and threw them out in 2007. Since then we have had unfettered liberalism.

The government has grown exponentially and three trillion dollars has been added to the debt under Obama.

Last November we threw the most liberal congress ever out after the rise of the Tea Party. The Tea Party is still ascending and will have a huge effect in the next election cycle as well. The GOP woke up, many painted themselves as the conservatives we wanted to send the first time but then we have the McCains in Congress who can't wait to compromise with liberals. They are next to lose their jobs in November 2012.

I've been talking to a liberal who sends me constant emails about how liberals are good, pure, know what they are doing with the economy, whatever the subject is liberals know better. He defends massive amounts of spending and yet gives no reason other than to take the wealth of others and raise corporate taxes. Let's see, if I were a corporation what would I do if I could make more money, avoid a ton of regulation, enhance my bottom line, and production costs low? Yep, my company is moving to Mexico and the jobs with it.

I hire people, a corporation is made up of people. It's not some conglomeration of monsters and metal. It's people who feed their families just like you and I do. I work for a corporation and I bet you do too. Big or small the word corporation has become a dirty word because of liberalism. GE made two billion dollars profit last year, good for them. Know who benefits? Anyone with a retirement program with mutual funds in it with GE stock! They get to have money when they are too old to earn it because GE made a profit in 2010.

Want to set our country into overdrive for two decades? Eliminate corporate taxes altogether, eliminate capital gains taxes, cut payroll taxes, and cut government spending across the board by ten percent.

We just took 1776 off of the stage, this might be the irony in what I'm blogging about today. It was about the lead up to the Revolutionary War, it might not be long before protestors march on Washington to demand resignations of all of those elected officials who have destroyed our country. We saw the Arab Spring, perhaps the American Fall is next...if we are not careful.

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