Friday, August 05, 2011

Time For The Show

Yes, it's the start of the final weekend. Two shows and 1776 closes.

It's the end of a brutally hot week as well. Two brief rainstorms though made it bearable and offered welcome relief this week. I guess bearable is a relative term, whether you think you can bear it or not you still have to get through it huh?

Well my retirement packages took a beating yesterday. The Dow plunged a total of five hundred and twelve points. Guess Wall Street doesn't like what the politicians did anymore than I did. Giving this administration another blank check for possibly some future spending decreases. We are not being represented as we should be.

Simply put November 2012 the Tea Party needs to win more House seats and a lot more Senate seats and throw Obama out of office. To paraphrase then candidate Reagan, "Recession is when your neighbor loses his job, depression is when you lose your job, and recovery is when Obama loses his job."

The next President needs to run on this very simple platform, repeal the last four years of damage. One bill offered up to future President to sign, repeal every regulation, every law, every single thing Obama touched, thought about touching, freeze spending after a ten percent cut across the board and let America wake up from this nightmare of a joke called Obama. It'll be our own Deobamazination as Soviet Russia did once Stalin kicked off in 1953.

It's long been said not one president can build America and not one president can tear it down...I wonder.

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