Monday, August 29, 2011

Doctor Appointment

It's nothing bit, just an ultrasound to see if I'm still free of kidney stones and to update the doctors on a cyst. Nothing big anymore, nothing has changed in the five years that I've been going to I expect the same this morning.

While I'm off of work for my regular job I do work this evening and start my computer training classes. I should be home a bit after eleven and go right back to work in the morning with my real job. I started on the first day of the new pay period so I'll be receiving a full paycheck on the fifteenth of September and then every alternate week after. What is very cool about this is that I'll bring home a paycheck every single week!

So I'll get two evenings off per weekday and both evenings of the weekend after six. Not bad hours at all and it'll help us tremendously! The more hours I work now the faster I can cut them back later and then the faster I can quit later:)

Eye on the prize!

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