Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Thing 1's Mishap

Thing 1 acquired literally a two hundred dollar minivan yesterday. It wasn't five hours later that it had been in an accident, poor girl is snake bit right now.
She's fine and the police officer agreed it wasn't her fault as a witness corroborated her story.

She had finished cleaning it and was coming home when a car was tailgating her, it moved to pass her, did and then brake checked her causing Thing 1 to rear end the car. The irate car driver then cussed at the very shaken Thing 1 until the police arrived.

A witness saw exactly what happened and relayed that to the police while another witness saw just Thing 1 hitting the other car but not the swerve or brake check. Thing 1 did not get issued a ticket despite the fact of rear ending someone, the police couldn't assign fault but chose not to issue the ticket based on Thing 1 and the witness's story aligning so well.

She is unhurt except for some ligaments in her shoulder that were stretched quite a bit. We took her to the ER to get checked out as a precaution. She's fine just going to be sore for a few weeks is all:)

It turned out fine and wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Thank God above that she wasn't injured more than she was! A few days in bed and she'll be as good as new!

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