Friday, July 14, 2006

The Age In My Eyes

I just noticed it last night before I went to bed.

My eyes are fading. Not the color and not my eyesight but they are fading just the same.

I have noticed lines around my eyes that were never there before.

Here I am, a decade and a half away from being near the half time of my life should I make it to one hundred and I feel....aging.

My eyes look tired and show almost none of the signs of my high school exuberance and vitality.

Yeah they are still blue, they still work right, and I still have my death stare of death but the intensity isn't the same.

I used to define how I would know if I were old by listening to songs on the radio and what station they played on. So when I started hearing the songs of my high school years on a classic rock station, I knew I was on my way to an AARP card.

Dying doesn't bother me in the least but getting older just might bother me a little bit. Not a lot but it is something that I notice from time to time and it seems to be a shock when I do notice.

When you see me next, tell me I'm lying to you and that my eyes look the same as you remember.

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