Thursday, July 13, 2006

Paris Hilton And You

I was listening to ESPN radio this morning, ESPN!!!!

The one place I go to hear about sports and when Balco Barry will be indicted and go to prison when all of a sudden a name came out of one of the announcer's mouth that should never be uttered on ESPN radio.

Paris Hilton.

It appears that Paris Hilton has decided to give up sex for one year.

So why are they talking about the very public sex life of Paris Hilton, who usually can't go two steps without having sex with some stranger, going to abstain for a year?

ON ESPN?!?!?!

Well Mike Golic was gone today so they had a substitute and Mike Greenberg was trying to spice things up I guess.

Anyway this lead me to wonder why in the world does anyone care what Paris Hilton thinks, feels, cares about, talks about, or why she is even famous for that matter.

She is a royal pain. A spoiled, royal, pain in American Pop Culture.

She is famous for partying all the time. Which got her a dreaded reality show which comes across more like The Magnificent Ambersons as she is subjected to many experiences that demean her and she gets come kind of comeuppance.

To put this in context, Israel is at war, Iran is quickly developing nuclear warheads, North Korea is testing a missle that could eventually reach the West coast, the cost of living is rising, tensions are rising in India and Pakistan, and by golly Paris Hilton is not going to have sex for one year....

See what I mean?

Paris Hilton is very wealthy, probably always will be, and will probably be just as clueless on her death bed as she has always been. Feel sorry for her, I doubt if she could exist otherwise.

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