Friday, July 21, 2006

Casting Nearly Complete!!!!

Last night Iwwas at Chris's house and by Saturday afternoon I am positive that the remaining couple of roles will be filled!!!!

These are exciting times for a small town filmmaker my friends!!!!

I am not sure how to express it in any other way but by being excited with the potential of what we are about to accomplish. Everyone who was at the auditions were very good, some more than others and I am fortunate enough to have two of them also in my small fun project!

I'm very excited about that one as well since the fanfilm will be done in the Fall as well as Chris's project so my project will fill up the gap for me and allow me to have a real life project to work my video editing mojo on.

There is also the very good possibility that there will be a steady stream of these projects in the form of episodes to build a fan base.

Alright I have to back up, I hope they are good enough to build a fan base with. I can tell you right now that if they don't it won't be because of the talent in front of the camera because that part is loaded!!!!

It'll be the concept which is mine, for better or worse, hopefully better.

Yeah I want to tell you all about it right now but I have to keep it under wraps for just a couple more weeks until I get the first episode committed to film and edited.

Then I hope you find it funny enough to laugh at it....well in a good way.

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