Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Meeting With Chris

It went pretty well.

Then after the business meeting was over with he got a text from one of the people from the musical. Even though she was in Locker and I do like her a lot she has developed quite an ego lately.

Nearly every sentence begins with "I" or "Me" and she can talk about herself for a very long time without a pause.

I know that when I write this blog that a lot of my sentences begin with the same however anyone who knows me knows that I rarely talk about myself. This is about my only indulgence into the realm of self.

I do work on the problem though and if I feel that I am putting too many first person references into a paragraph I try to rewrite it so it sounds better.

My friend however, and yes she is my friend, has gotten to the point where everything is revolving around her. Her mom is one of the sweetest people in the world, Chris wishes he had parents like them, and yet my friend will go on about them.

No, I know she doesn't read my blog. If it isn't about her she honestly doesn't care which is sad. She has talent for this town but if she is going to make a step to LA, which she is planning on, she has a lot to learn.

She is someone who will benefit from being kicked around by life a little bit, it will make her a much better actor and person. I don't think it is a major problem, she is just a bit immature right now and is learning the ways of the world. I was that way as are most other people, well I don't think I was at the point where I talked about my hair like she does for entire conversations but yeah I ruled the universe at one point.

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