Monday, July 31, 2006

The Messengers

What a horrible show.

Alright here is the concept: Ten people who want to be motivational speakers actually go out into the real world to experience the downtrodden, the blind, the paralyzed, the homeless, migrant workers....well you get the point.

And then they put together a two minute speech and try to be all positive and happy after experiencing the hardships of one day, yeah one day.

The rest is just basic reality TV stuff where the audience votes off the least motivational person.

Yeah horrible.

It reminds me of Take One that I wrote about in a earlier post. Where a couple of guys go out to do good deeds but the show focused more on the people following them in the RV who caused the drama and actually made the deeds happen.

A good idea with very poor execution, just like The Messengers.

Come on, motivational speakers? Who can experience being homeless for a day and then come up with a speech to motivate someone to what....not be homeless anymore?

They come across more as martyrs than people who have any experience at living.

"Look at the good I'm doing for you! Now listen to my speech!" is the feeling I get from it.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for bettering the human race and doing what you can when you can for someone less fortunate. This show just seems fake and plastic though and unwatchable.

The commercials don't tell you that it is really just a game show and that the contestants are just there for a book contract. They show you how these people are out in the streets or fields and have brief clips of the speeches at the end. Do they tell you that the speeches are actually a contest? Of course not, that would turn on that light in your head that says, "Stupid show, don't watch me!"

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