Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Crazy Lady On Cleveland

Anyone around this area has seen this lady.

Usually she rides a bike on two very busy two lane highways.

Not carefully either, very recklessly. She is insane....well that is what we think or at least she is trying to get hurt to have a lawsuit.

Here is some proof. There are at least two people who have told me identical stories about her.
There is a stop light where these two streets cross and she will sit at on her bike. With cars at the intersection she will sit there until the light turns green and then cut across the path of the nearest vehicle that starts to move!!!!

She is dangerous!!!!

She has recently started to drive a car and parks it at a nearby softball complex so she can watch the traffic go by. She backs in, gets out, and then gets into the passenger seat to sit for hours....

Yeah, the crazy lady on Cleveland.

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