Monday, October 02, 2006

Alright So There You Are, Thinking About

How bad things are for you right now and how to post yet another whiny blog about it when life smacks you upside the head.

I had to stop for groceries after work today and doing that very thing, rolling around my own self pity and trying to make it into a post when I see a man that I am going to call J.A.

J.A. retired last year and I have known him for a few years since we pretty much saw each other on a daily basis. So he was there with his sister and they were doing the same thing I was doing. Well except for the thinking about my self indulgent blog.

So I ask him how he was doing and he didn't recognize me right away. He played nice like he knew me but you can just tell that he didn't remember me. So I tell him to have a good day and head down the freezer isle. I meet them again and then a light goes on and he finally remembered me. He whole demeanor changed at that point and we chatted for a few more seconds.

So why did this little encounter change my day?

J.A.'s father died when he was nineteen I believe.
The last thing he told J.A. was to take care of his sister.
J.A. has taken care of his sister every single day of her life. His whole life plan completely changed at that point and he made her the focus of his life. He sacrificed everything for her and to keep her safe.

J.A. did exactly what his father asked of him. Good or bad, that really doesn't matter. What matters here is that the act itself was one of such beauty and grace.

So I have posted a positive story on my blog as I said I would.

I wish I could do that every day.

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