Saturday, October 07, 2006


Well after a full day of filming today I will still have two days off!!!!

Alright I have a confession to make.

Everyone who knows me knows that I gave up on baseball after the strike year. After that I couldn't have cared less about baseball. Both sides were squabbling and being very petty and most of America as well as myself were fed up with it.

Well I now admit that I watched the series between the Yankees and Red Sox in 04 as well as the World Series. I also admit that last night I watched the Yankees get destroyed by the Tigers.
This closet watching hasn't really rekindled my former love for the game. I do still follow the major stories since I listen to sports radio during the day like the disgraceful Barry Bonds who should be banned from baseball in Pete Rose fashion. Other than that the season is too long and the games are meaningless and the players/owners are spoiled by a forgiving American public.

There is no parity and most of the teams are eliminated from contention early on in the season. It is still my belief that the MLB needs an NFL style of collective bargining agreement. This would dictate to the teams how much they can spend and would bring parity to the sport. It would bring salaries under control and by doing that it would allow ticket prices to drop which would bring more people to the park.

Now let me be clear on this, I would rather watch the two worst teams in the NFL than watch a MLB game. I'm NOT a fan. If I'm not doing something else, if nothing is on, then I will watch a playoff game.

Baseball still has a lot of work to do to be interesting again and if the Barry Bonds walking affront to the game is allowed to top Hank Aaron then I'll probably stop watching what I am watching.

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