Monday, October 23, 2006

Week 7

Well I got whomped pretty good in the money league. I anticipated a loss but the lack of those key players really hurt!

It is alright though, the person who beat me is a very good friend and I am glad that he got first this week. Well there is one other player who can catch him but we'll see what happens tonight. I went 2-0 in the free Yahoo leagues. Well probably. I am 7 points up on one guy and likely to win but I have seen things like this go badly.

I have heard from the builder of my PC. He received it today and will diagnose it tomorrow morning and ship it back upon completion. I am sure it will go smoothly but we shall see.

Remember the old Lowenbrau jingle? "Here's to good friends. Tonight is kind of special." etc. ?
Well that is how I was feeling Saturday night as that kept playing around in my head as I sat there with good friends and enjoying them and the time as we talked over all kinds of things.

Yeah, here's to good friends!!!!

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