Sunday, October 15, 2006

Week 6

Is kicking off in a couple of hours now and hopefully I can climb up to .500 ball in the money league. We'll see how it goes but after the very rough 0-3 start it is a lot to overcome, even in fantasy.

It is rainy out now and my dog has camped out on the back porch. I don't know why, he has a great pillow with a heat light in the garage. I still have to find a power supply this week, Staples is out of stock so I might have to order one.

I usually listen to Coast to Coast AM while going to sleep on my laptop through my wireless network and lately I have been listening to a MST3K episode per night. Well they all happen to be stored on the hard drives on my PC so that is not going to happen either until I get it fixed.

GGGRRRRR it is frustrating!

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