Friday, October 06, 2006

An Amazing Demonstration Of Grace

I usually don't write about current events but I have to write about this one. It is such a tragic shooting that has weighed heavily on my mind since the day it happened.

Late last week a small single room Amish school house was the scene of a tragic school shooting.
Charles Roberts decided he was tired of living and dealing with some deep personal guilt so he thought he would just go and destory the world of some of the most innocent and forgiving people in the world.

He killed five girls after barricading himself into the schoolhouse. One of the girls, thirteen year old Marian Fisher, asked him to be shot first in hopes of saving the others.

Friends she was THIRTEEN!!!! Can you imagine that kind of bravery and love for your fellow classmates to request to be murdered so others can live?

That my friends is grace.

Now do you want to talk about forgiveness?

The killer's widow, Marie Roberts, was invited by the family of the first little girl buried to attend her funeral. Can you imagine that kind of forgiveness in your own life? Are you holding a grudge against someone? Bet it seems pretty petty right now in relative terms.

Imagine the world as it is now and then imagine how different it would be if everyone was as forgiving as that Amish family.

I don't know if I was in the same situation what I would do. I would hope that I had it in me to do the same. I pray I never find out but more than that I pray this never happens again but since it has let us all take a lesson from this family and this brave thirteen year old girl.

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