Monday, April 23, 2007

Charm School

A long time ago I was in my late teens and doing my first cussing experiments when I read a quote, heard a quote, something that is paraphrased like this, "When you swear it is a lazy mind attempting to express itself".

That had a real effect on me and anyone who knows me knows I don't and that is the reason why. You are taken more seriously not only that but when the occasion arises you instantly start thinking of what to say.

I say this because on Charm School I noticed a pretty big trend, EVERYONE on the show swears a lot and it just makes them come across as very classless. Now that is what they are attempting to overcome and yet it is bleep bleep bleep after bleep!!!! I find it hilarious!

Last night a girl hid another girl's dress, lied her way into presenting a product, but got her reward in the end when she was supposed to pull a sheet off of a new line of products that are for some very serious investors and she completely messed it up when the sheet pulled the display over!!!! She was pretty much disgraced at the end and it felt satisfying to watch:)

Yeah if the world ever goes Mad Max I don't think I'll have much of a problem with idiots like that running around as they are quickly ushered out of the gene pool.

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