Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sherrybaby, The Bicycle Thief With Happy Feet!

I hit a triple today. I cleared all three Netflix movies. Happy Feet, The Bicycle Thief, and Sherrybaby.

All that while doing laundry and catching up on my rest and grocery shopping!

Alright Happy Feet is about penguins. It has probably some of the best animation I've seen in a CGI movie ever. Simply amazing! It has a lot of voice talent in it like Hugh Jackman and Elijah Wood. A mild message about conservation at the end where humans are evil and all that but an enjoyable experience!

Second up was The Bicycle Thief. Set in post war Italy. It is simply about desperation. Jobs are very hard to come by and when our protagonist is offered a job while many are unemployeed. Well a bicycle is required and our heroes' bicycle is in the pawn shop. It is his ticket to feed his family so they pawn their sheets to get the bike out.

On the first day of the job his bike is stolen and so he and his son start a very desperate search all over town to retrieve it.

Third was Sherrybaby. Another desperate story about a woman played by Maggie Gyllenhaal who is fresh out of prison who tries to start all over again. She starts at a halfway house and goes to see her brother and sister in law who have been caring for her daughter while she was away. They have pretty much taken over the parenting role which leaves her out in the cold.

The second two movies don't really fit my mood lately but they were in my queue.
Happy Feet was the best of the three and made me laugh:)

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