Thursday, April 12, 2007

Drinks With Sass

Yeppers my friends I was out until nearly eleven last night having drinks with Sass on My Space. I'll be honest with you all, I needed to get out. Not having anything to do after the play was over was killing me.

Yes I'm working on the You Tube project but that is in the house and it takes just about fifteen minutes to create an episode so that still leaves me with a lot of free time! I needed to get out and enjoy some good company and a little tequila. So we went to the pub and knocked back a few, talked and had a grand time!

It was a great evening and I'm happy someone took the time to have drinks with me:) We had a very nice conversation that spanned nearly four hours, covering a variety of subjects and topics, even the possible resurrection of Drinkbusters. Now that is something I would look forward to! I loved doing that show!

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