Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Funniest Movie Experience Ever

Just has to be Prince of Space! Without a doubt, hands down the clear winner!

What? You have never heard of this Japanese made scifi adventure? Let me 'splain. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge MST3K fan (look it up if you are unfamiliar) and over the past few years I've been able to find and save to my hard drive every episode from every season save some of the local cable shows where it started out.

Now fast forward to season eight. Mike Nelson has been in charge of the bots for quite some time now and has a show come up that just begs to be MST3K'd. Prince of Space! This movie is the perfect melding of material, riffing, film, and commercial segments.

It has some of the best quoted lines and really the most fun of any of the MST3K'd movies. Every single line was on and worked. It seemed so effortless to create this episode which is one of the true marks of comedy or anything difficult to do. Michael Jordan made it seem that anyone could fly and Mike Nelson makes it seem that anyone can do comedy and do it well.

A close second place would be season ten's Bloodwaters of Dr. Z. What a very funny episode! The monster is so unimposing and pathetic it just makes it a joy to watch! The jokes are good fun and everything works well!

I know there is a big debate about who is better, Joel or Mike. They are both great in different ways, it just happens that two of my favorite episodes are Mike episodes. If I were going to introduce someone to MST3K it would be one of these two episodes.

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