Friday, April 13, 2007

For Real?!?!?!

Today I saw something I thought I saw once before but didn't really get but I did see them again!

Two guys have been driving around in a Camaro. Not that there is anything unique about that but these two are quite a bit different hence my blogging about it. They are in full ICP face paint and have ICP logos on their Camaro.

ICP....Insane Clown Posse. Yeah just look them up and you will see how ridiculous these idiots look. They have the full make up and hair color, just tooling around town seemingly without aim. It isn't that I'm against individuality or freedom of expression in any way but these is wholly a different matter. At the very least be original! Start your own outlaw posse, you rebels you.

When I saw them the first time I thought I saw what I saw but I wasn't for sure but I did laugh quite a bit but that was no match for the laugh I had when I saw them today! Now that was a hearty belly laugh!!!!

Sometimes I love this place!