Friday, October 12, 2007

Man Vs. Survivorman Vs. Wild

Man vs. Wilds' Bear Grylls is a survival genius. Bear is to survival what Jack Bauer is to defending LA against the nuclear armed Chicom horde. Throw this guy into the harshest environments on Earth and he will come out alive and in good shape.

Heck even MacGyver would take lessons in rigging up something from a shoelace, branch, gum, moss, and a turkey baster.

Water, shelter, heat, food and he could live anywhere! While I require electricity, indoor plumbing, and the internet, Bear just needs air and a minimum of broken bones to survive.

Next up is Survivorman Les Stroud who actually does his own filming while genuinely being stranded in the wilderness. While Bear travels with a cameraman Les does everything himself....for seven days.
Bear usually goes for three days I believe.

What Bear is to surviving Les ups it a notch since he is genuinely alone. If MacGyver looks up to Bear then The Duke himself looks up to Les for shear toughness.

Both of these shows are on a few times a week in reruns on one of my favorite channels, Discovery!

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