Tuesday, January 06, 2009

First Day Back To Work

It went alright. I knew that I was either going to be very busy or very unbusy. Turned out to be in between. So-So busy.

I had subscribed to the Tedtalks podcasts a few days earlier and had about twenty talks loaded into my iPhone. Ted.com rocks. It stands for Technology, Education, and Design.

They have people from all fields come to their place and give talks. From life on Mars to Billy Graham, from a guy who talks about gangs work when they sell crack to how Chinese food has changed the world. John Hogeman (from Pc vs. Mac fame) has a particularly touching talk about missing time.

Ted is great and if you have never been you should visit and watch a couple of talks.

I also loaded up a few talks by my favorite theologian R.C. Sproul. He is simply brilliant especially in terms of making very complex matters very simple and understandable.

After that I subscribed to a couple of other podcasts but they are alright but not as good. So I've got plenty of entertainment at work to keep me going until work picks up as 2009 starts. This time of year is slow but picks up dramatically when Spring rolls around.

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