Friday, January 30, 2009

Truly Historic

With all of the history being made in the month of January one of the most historic events of all time happened today.

Michael Steele was elected as the first black chairman of the RNC. To tell you the truth yeah, Obama is historic but so was Condi Rice and she was subject to daily ridicule and abuse. Her story was every bit as compelling as Obama's story. She is far more qualified to be President than Obama is. She is definitely smarter and more professional. It's just her politics were wrong from the left's point of view.

Michael Steele is another American success story and he will undoubtedly come under intense scrutiny and personal attacks. Instead of being praised for doing things his way without government help he will be accused of being not black enough or some other such silly attack. Instead of being a role model for all kids on what is possible, Steele will be vilified for his beliefs of personal responsibility and tradition.

Where are the commemorative coins now?

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