Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Confession Of A Racist, Homophobic, Closed Minded, And Mean Spirited Conservative

Perhaps this could be my manifesto however I'd say that my manifesto has been written out over the past few years and comprises just over one thousand eight hundred and fifty some posts.

In my lifetime I can't recall as much political drama that is going on now. The Clinton years were child's play compared to the past year and couple of months. All eight years of Clinton.

Obviously I'm a conservative. Perhaps some don't know what that means or only believe the caricature I used in my title. Yes I'm a cold blooded, mean, nasty, racist, homophobe who only wants everyone to starve to death if they can't support themselves.

Yes I want no government, no taxes, no public schools, and kids to starve at school because I don't want any school lunches. The elderly should work until the day they die and never enjoy any kind of retirement and how dare they think about asking for social security, a program they spent a lifetime contributing to.

Now with all of that established about how evil I and my beliefs are let's talk about what a conservative should be. In an idealistic, perfect world that is.

Now I'm sure you are chuckling about conservatives being dead and all of that but lets try not to be so dark at the moment.

Let's start with liberty. Our founding documents are riddled with references to liberty, justice, and equality. So let's go right to America's darkest dark spot on history, slavery. There is simply no defense. It was wrong but it took a country as great as America to get it right and set the right example for the rest of the world. We fought a war over it and Americans died to correct it.

Yes the President was from one party but I won't mention which as I know he was a horrible, racist, homophobic, blah blah blah. Let's fast forward to nineteen sixty four for a minute. The civil rights act of 1964 voting record:
House of Representatives:

Democrats for: 152
Democrats against: 96
Republicans for: 138
Republicans against: 34

Democrats for: 46
Democrats against: 21
Republicans for: 27
Republicans against: 6

For those of you keeping score at home that's:
69% of Democrats and 82% of Republicans supported the bill in the Senate.
61% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans supported the bill in the House.

Among those voting against the legislation was still serving former Klansman and Senator Robert Byrd.

Let's talk about life now. A conservative, contrary to popular belief, values life very highly. In fact we value it so high that if you decide to take a life you might very well forfeit your own life. We like to protect those who can't protect themselves such as the unborn. Unless the life of the mother is threatened, or in cases of rape or incest then we despise the procedure.

As some of you will recall I did a documentary about a play and an adoption a while back. I really don't think those proud parents would have considered either of their children as a nuisance, unwanted, or a poor choice. Those two children have a very loving home and are far better off now than they ever would have been through the miracle of adoption.

How about one of the most divisive issues of our age, gay rights. This one is a bit tougher as some of my gay friends tolerate my loathsome homoophobic presence but I'll give it a shot. I believe this is a state's rights issue not a federal issue. If the citizens of your state vote to allow it as some have then live, be free, and have a good time with it. If the state votes not to allow it then the people have voted.

Many people view this as a moral issue and feel very strongly about it, their voice counts as much as those who those who are proponents of gay rights. The fairest way is for everyone to be heard and have your vote counted, if you are passionate about it then sway people to your side, both sides. Not by hate or divisiveness but by heartfelt walking and talking to people no matter what side you are on.

Taxes? Let's give it a shot! I don't mind paying a reasonable percentage of my earnings for the public good, especially the military. I believe that if you serve in the military you should always be exempt from paying income taxes and have your health care paid for. Half of that is law today. I'm even more for a fair tax style of system where all income taxes are done away with in lieu of either a flat tax for everyone or a national sales tax on everything except on food and clothing.

No capital gains tax, no tax deductions, no IRS, everyone pays the same amount. No sin tax on cigarettes or beer. No fat tax on big macs. No hidden taxes anywhere, everything right up front and for everyone to see and understand.

If that doesn't bring in enough money then obviously spending must be cut. The federal government must learn to live the same way the citizens live, within their means. Including Congress members who need to be placed into social security with everyone else and not exempt themselves. Personally I'd like to opt out, I've paid in over twenty years of contributions to SS. I'd sign a paper today saying you can have all of that money if I never pay in one more penny. I'll get much more by contributing it to an IRA or 401k fund of my choosing for my remaining years in the work force.

How about another tough subject? Immigration. Now the real racist in me comes out! I'm very pro-immigration. I want everyone to come here to better their lives, legally. I want the immigration system to be streamlined so that it is easier to come here but I don't want open borders. We do have to protect our sovereignty. If you legally come here by the book, welcome! It's the Great American Melting Pot! Learn the language, it'll help you succeed, learn our customs, they'll help you assimilate into your new life! Take pride in the gift of being an American, you are welcome to come and raise your family here.

I oppose any amnesty, that is outright unfair to all of those people who worked to get here legally and by the book. It won't be very long after health care reform has been passed that you will see a major push for an Immigration (amnesty) bill. They have alienated a large voting bloc and now need new voters for either the mid-term elections or the Presidential election in 2012. Just watch it happen.

I'd also like to clear up one thing about name calling. Lots of people associate the right wing with Nazis. Probably because of the Klan, Neo-Nazis, etc. I'd like to point out that those groups are actually LEFT WING groups as the only right wing thing they believe in is the first and second amendment.

They love free speech and the right to bear arms. Other than that they are socialists, the Nazi party was the National Socialist Party, an extreme left wing group. They did not believe in the power of the individual regardless of race, color, or creed. They suppressed those whom they disagreed with, much like any left wing group does. They believed that the individual should serve the state, a very close analogy to today's modern Democrat who believes in more social programs, higher taxes, less relative freedom, and more state control over the individual.

These groups are largely marginalized now and have few members. They'd be hard pressed to fill up a small town compared to their heyday when Democrat Robert Byrd was openly a member.

Our country, America is a great country. We have progressed further faster than any country in the history of the world. We are the shining city on the hill, the beacon of freedom the world should look to, we are the only country that will go to war to liberate your citizens from oppression. Love us or hate us it matters not but you will respect us. One one hundredth of our military can destroy most countries out existing today so don't talk about us being imperialists. If we wanted your land for colonies, we'd have it. If we wanted your oil Saudi Arabia, we'd take it. Instead we value open markets and trade. We want everyone to have a piece of the every increasing size of the pie.

That leads me to my final confession. I want everyone to have the best life they can have. I don't want to bring the rich down to the level of everyone else. I want the barriers removed so that anyone can be rich through their own hard work. I don't want to penalize anyone for being successful, I want to encourage everyone to be successful. Class warfare is the main tool for the left, remember this. Sharing the wealth is code for taking from you to give to another. You are successful, that is unfair, we are going to cut you down to size.

Everyone should be as successful as they can be, keep what they earn, and live the life they choose to live.

Unless you fall upon hard times. Then there should be a responsible safety net for you. Charity is the greatest of many virtues, you are responsible for helping your fellow citizens if you can afford it and sometimes when you can't. The greatest country in the world should never let any citizen suffer hunger. Any hand up should be temporary and not be designed to make the citizen a dependent upon the government.

That robs them of their abilities to succeed and of their full potential. That should be a real crime. Yes there are those who will refuse to work and only want to abuse the system, there should be means testing as well as drug testing in place. All of the fraud can't be stopped but it shouldn't be encouraged to continue either.

Be generous in your giving and do it in secret, forced charity is not charity, especially when the IRS takes it with threats of prison and penalties.

Read our founding documents and take a look at the political landscape as it exists today, you might be shocked at what you learn.

This brings my confession of a racist, homophobic, closed minded, mean spirited conservative to a close. I hope you find it enlightening:)

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