Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yesterday was very busy. Took The Date to the pain management clinic in the morning and she had shots in her back to ease the pain that's she has had for months. By evening they were working and her pain was vanishing other than the spot they inserted the needles.

On the way back home she rambled on about lumberjacks and where they lived. She pondered why we don't have more around here and that they could fix the roads if they did. Then we arrived home and it was beddy bye time. She slept for a few hours.

Thing 2 had a bad headache for a while, just to be on the safe side we called her doctor and asked if it was normal. They said bring her in immediately so I did. They examined her and said she was healthy but gave her some headache meds anyway. They worked:)

The Date's car was also taken into the shop, turns out the air conditioning bearings are about to go out. They had an easy way or repairing them if a local machine shop had the bearing in stock. They said it'll save a few hundred dollars if they did and they have only had a couple of compressors that they couldn't replace the bearings on instead of purchasing a whole new compressor.

By Monday we'll know if they can fix it or not but I'm prepared for the high and low estimates.

My shoot went fairly well last night. Well considering it was a princess ball where daddies bring their little girls to the ball for food and pictures. I got some good footage and it wasn't as bad as originally feared. My head didn't explode from sugar plum fairy overload.

This morning I've taken Thing 1 to Saturday school, I'll be taking Thing 2 to set call at nine, and The Date to work at ten. Tonight I've got a one off show to tech for at the theatre, four cues and in front of the curtain. It'll be a snap.

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