Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nothing Much

The Date goes to the doctor tomorrow to have a procedure done on her back. It's a minor thing but it'll have a great effect on her as she's been in some considerable pain for weeks now.

That makes today my Friday as I'm taking her there and then taking her home and putting her to bed to get better.

Thing 2 has been sick the past couple of days with a kidney infection. The Date took her to the doctor two days ago and she got all kinds of medicine to fix it including a shot. This morning she appears to feel better as she gets to go back to school.

She's got a project of some sort today and gets to wear her kimono. I was never this excited to go to school. In fact I really didn't care that much about my education until after I had dropped out of college.

Since then I've done a decently good job of educating myself, not in generalities and courses I have no interest in as the public and private system do but in subjects I have a specific interest in.

I've read tons of classic novels, have more theology books than a few pastors, I've got film skills, I can paint a car or small aircraft in less than twenty four hours provided I've got everything to work with, I can do minor engine repairs, I'm prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse of Doom, have a great understanding of politics and how what comes from Washington effects me and those around me, and I'm undefeated in the Keeper fantasy football league.

By my measure I'm a well rounded individual:)

Although I did make a colossal error last night during a Starcraft match. I walled up what I thought was a curving ramp, protecting me from a triple Zerg rush only to find out my ramp was on the opposite side in the shadows, leaving my base wide open to attack. I've played that map before and I knew where the ramps were. Needless to say I was the first player eliminated that game.

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