Thursday, September 30, 2010

Deadliest Catch Done?

The best show on TV might very well be finished now. Captain Sig Hansen has quit the show to show solidarity with the Hilstrands who have been sued by the Discovery Channel.

The absolute best reality show going today is in serious jeopardy of failing now. Along with the Hilstrands, Captain Sig, and the late Captain Phil were on from the get go. Now with the original cast gone barring a settlement before shooting begins next month I might very well not watch anymore.

Yes Jake and Josh Harris signed up again for another season however the show can't follow just one boat around, there are multiple storylines happening at once. The other boats that they have put on to supplement the big three just seem to come and go with no emotional attachment by the viewing audience.

Yes you have the Wizard and Captain Keith but sometimes no one just likes the guy. He comes across differently than what he might be in real life or something but he just isn't portrayed as a sympathetic character. Which is very weird since Captain Sig comes across as a real life Captain Bly and people like him. Probably because of Edgar, his brother and a very sympathetic character.

Last season we saw how crab fishing caught up to him, his body couldn't take anymore and all season long he started to lean toward retiring from the boat. We may never see if Edgar followed up on his thoughts now or not.

What I know is that if Discovery doesn't reach out and try to settle this they stand to lose a massive viewing audience.

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