Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One More Day

I captured third in the keeper league once again this week...with a tie. Yes I tied last week as well with Skate. This week it was with the Dodge City Legend's owner and former Storm manager Ten.

It's early in the season and the first three weeks or so only mean you are compiling points, it's not a good indicator on how your team will preform in the meat of the season. Once the offenses click and start to dominate the defenses a bit then you'll see your scores start to hit their average and you can make better decisions on benching players.

Well for the first time in a bit I played Starcraft last night. Our 2V2 team is still ranked 9th overall. We actually played some diamond league players and got walloped. I don't know why or how we haven't gotten promoted out of Bronze league yet but we've beaten most of the people in our own league. If the team we face is usually Silver league or below, we easily beat them.

I'm not sure what it's going to take to move up and Blizzard keeps that stuff a secret. With all of that said we didn't do well last night and it was my rust that was showing. I wasn't as efficient as I should have been during my builds, I wasn't microing my units as I should have, I left my base wide open for attack too much, and I know I was frustrating my partner.

I'll be better tonight though. Today is patch day for the game, my build times will get nerfed and hopefully the overpowered Terrans will get a lot of nerfing. They build way to fast, their units just dominate too much, their T1 units are cheap and can shoot land or air. My T1 units are land only until I get another building and then I can use Stalkers which are a land/air unit.

If the Protoss gets nerfed down too much you'll see a lot of players switch races. Terrans are just very powerful and can build very fast. They need some longer build times to balance things.

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