Monday, September 13, 2010

Work Week

This is a full week of work too, five days.

Monday - The week starts, most people are bummed about it. Me? I'm not. It's just another day. One more day scratched off of the calendar that counts down twelve more years. You have to get the week started or it'll never get done.

Tuesday - The day that was so boring that they had to spruce it up. They had to make it DVD Tuesday. All new releases come out today. This is the "Bread and Circus" day of the week.

Wednesday - Half way. The day that'll be the start of the downhill slope towards a two day respite. By Wednesday you realize you are on a treadmill.

Thursday - This is the easiest day of the week. It just flows by like a slow rolling river. Lazy but persistent it will come and go with barely a noticing glance from the participants.

Friday - Eight hours of anticipation, the realization that freedom and liberty are a mere eight hours away. This day is tough as you have to fight the urge to cut the day short and go home which quickly will dwindle your leave. Yet it remains, the gatekeeper of the end of the week. The guardian of forty eight hours to yourself with no demands from anyone.

Saturday - It's here. What you've worked for all week long. A chance to do what you want and when you want. If you want to sleep in (until around seven in my case) you can. The most free day of the week, this day was built for the working man.

Sunday - The day of preparation. You wash your clothes for the week. You temper the freedoms of Saturday with the responsibilities of tomorrow. You are still on the treadmill, it never shuts off.

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