Friday, September 17, 2010

Busy Weekend On Tap

A show tonight, a shoot tomorrow around noon, then I've got to go help my mom haul off some branches and such at her house, then a show tomorrow night. Sunday is church and then striking the set which means I won't have a lot of time for football watching.

I've got Dearly Beloved to tech for and the very small Love Letters in a couple of weeks to tech lights for. After Dearly Beloved closes I'm on break from the theatre for at least three months. No tech for me, I'm going to be finished until a show piques my interest.

December will soon be here and that means Beersnob will be returning home. Upon his return the business will start to fulfill its potential that I'm laying the foundation for. He talks to people, he enjoys chatting with clients, I don't.

I pack up equipment and shoot. I edit and produce the product. I don't like talking to people. I don't enjoy finding clients but he does. We have our skill sets but we haven't had much time to employ them before he shipped off to Iraq.

He did discover Skype though so it'll be easier to keep in touch and bounce ideas off one another.

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