Sunday, June 28, 2009

Great Set Call

Yesterday was really a lot of fun. I took Thing 2 up to set call for Into The Woods and within an hour or so she had settled in and was painting up a storm on Rapunzel's Tower!

She was doing textures on the stones with a paper bag and getting paint all over her, it was really funny but she loved it. She got over her shyness quickly and started to click with the group.

I mainly helped Skate on the grid above the stage and the placing of trees. That was a big job but we had a great time. My friends rock, that is why I wanted to be part of this show, almost everyone I know in the theatre group is going to be in this show, a few I really like aren't involved in this one but the majority is.

It is the most complex show I've been involved in but Misery is close but that was a lot more of a special effects show. We also had a cast of two so the set calls were a lot longer and tougher. We didn't have the people to help out. You can review all of my Misery posts if you really want to see the evolution of the set and tear down.

I'll start in the booth on the sixth of July, I won't be needed for much to start other than to get the light cues roughed out. It'll help out later on though.

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