Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Slept

Last night I made a decent amount on tips. Almost enough to cover the fuel I put into my truck. The last tip of the evening I made nearly ten dollars on, rare but very nice when it happens! I put in my week and a half notice. I told the owner I could work for him until next Friday, that I had too much going on right now to hold down two jobs.

When I arrived back at the diner it was about a quarter until nine. They told me if I wanted to I could cash out and go home, which I promptly did as fast as I could.

I made it home right around nine. Tired. My mind was going as fast as it could. I decided to unwind a little with some surfing and reading, tended my Farm Town, two football franchises, and got my Mafia Wars family up to date.

Then I went to bed. I picked up South by Sir Ernest Shackleton and read for about twenty minutes.

Turned out the light and I slept. For the first time in over a month I had felt some relief. I felt a similar relief when we went back to work but last night was different. I was able to relax a little bit. It was great. I'm off tonight and tomorrow night from my second job, I do have to work the weekend though but it'll be for the last time.

Feel great this morning! I feel relaxed, like the problems I know that will arise will be easily handled. It feels good to know that I'm within four weeks of a real and full paycheck again. The next check will be tiny as I told you about but that is why I took the second job, my last day at the diner will be the same day I get that check so it will account for half of my pay with both added together.

I'm thrilled about that! The Date's magazine has gone nuts and they have sold a lot of advertising for two issues already! They are over half way to their goal and are STILL selling in town alone! Next week they will start to get the area towns sold! I told her she will have to hire more sales staff soon as they can't cover this much area by themselves!

I've never seen something take off as fast as what her magazine has. I'm really pretty honored to be a small part of it and right now it is so small that it really can't be measured, mainly just supporting her and telling her to get things done before they are due.

Hope you all out there have a great day! Twice as good as mine will be and I think mine will be good, I'm off tonight!!!! Woohoooo!!!!!

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