Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strike Day Three

Today I'm going to take a different strategy. Not going to the picket line as I'm thinking this could last a few weeks, maybe a month or longer. They will be coming up with a picket schedule and I'm going to go look for work today.

There are still too many people who have having a ball on the picket line. They really make me ill as I don't believe they understand the gravity of the situation.

My dad is really ill right now on top of everything else. I'm going to have to do something but not exactly sure what yet. He can't hardly get out of bed and if it wasn't for The Date going there daily and making him food and changing his bedding I don't know how he would be getting along.

The upside of the strike is that I have plenty of time to deal with this situation now. I'm going to have to talk to his doctor and see what kind of options I have to get him healthy again. He is very weak and we had to go pick him up last night after midnight because he had fallen.

The good news is that I fixed my Suburban. That and we are going to get through all of this.

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