Tuesday, June 02, 2009

No Not Never's Revenge

Yesterday I get to work and Johnny Friendly has made up about three hundred "No Not Never" buttons to pin on your shirt to show solidarity among the rank and file.

I get out the white out and try to white out the "N" of Never so at least it would make a little grammatical sense. I'm convinced that Johnny Friendly believes it is an actual sentence.

The white out fails to work so I rub it off and rationalize that it is a sign of his intelligence and he proudly wants us to show the world such. Then the bleakness of him being in charge of the negotiations on our side sets in....

So I busy myself with work and go to clear my work in the computer when I get an email from the program manager who says we can't wear the buttons! It is a violation and I don't even care what the rest says!

I have an excuse not to wear them!!!! They are embarrassing and I don't have to wear them anymore! Woohooooo! So I'm happy about that!

Ok ok so those of you who think I'm not a very loyal person, I'll vote on Saturday on the new contract if it is a reasonable and fair contract I'll vote to ratify it. That's all the loyalty I would get from both the company and the union, not one shred more.

I do my job, get paid a fair wage, go home and forget my job exists until the next day. I'm grateful I am employed and do have a good job with great benefits and as such I don't abuse the system. I do a good job when I'm there and screw off less than many others. I'm aware of how blessed I am to be working in this time of the Obama administration's war on prosperity.

Not only that but I do pay a hefty monthly fee for the union services which they do take against my will and donate to political campaigns which I'm opposed to. I don't have to pay them but then I wouldn't get to vote or have a say in the contract as I do now.

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