Saturday, January 30, 2010


The storm is over, it raged pretty much all day yesterday as well. It's hard to determine the amount of snow as there were some pretty high winds but estimates put it at ten inches.

We didn't get any ice though. I spent yesterday inside except when I had to go get my brother from work and take him home. I have his truck so right now I can get to anywhere I want to go, four wheel drive rocks!

Thing 1 is on my PC deep into WoW while I'm blogging on my laptop in the bedroom. She can't see Fuzzy as the roads are too bad for him to get out on so they are adventuring online.

There is set call today to finish up the teen show's set and set up the lights. Obviously over the past two nights rehearsals were called off so now they have to make them up today and tomorrow. I'm sure they won't like it but that's tough, if they had known their lines they would get some slack. They don't and now they have twice as much work to do.

They'll really have to get a ton done this week then they will be working without a net!

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