Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Epic Upset

Think about USA Hockey-Russian Hockey, Tyson-Douglas, Titanic-Iceberg, or Colt-Jets. Add Coakley-Brown to that list.

With over 75% of the vote counted Martha Coakley has conceded the election to Senator Elect Scott Brown. Massachusetts has won one for America tonight and told Washington that enough is enough.

To say this is an embarrassment to President Obama is an understatement. President Obama has no coat tails at all. He campaigned for John Corzine in New Jersey and lost. He campaigned for Creigh Deeds in Virginia and lost. He personally (and his massive entourage) flew to Copenhagen to get the Olympics for Chicago and was eliminated in the first round. Now he campaigned for Martha Coakley and she has lost by seven points... in Massachusetts!!!!!

Let that sink in for a while, it is quite profound and literally a political tsunami against the White House agenda and President Obama. Yes I think you can go so far as to say President Obama has been rejected tonight.

To put this into perspective Massachusetts has been a liberal controlled state, even in the time when Mitt Romney was the governor he had a strong democratic machine that he struggled with every day. The Kennedy clan controlled Massachusetts for decades and that Senate seat for nearly five decades!!! FIVE DECADES! John Kerry, one of the most liberal Senators in Congress is from there!

Martha Coakley enjoyed a twenty point lead on December nineteenth. Tonight she lost by seven points. Even the state officials expected a landslide for Coakley, they didn't even have exit polls set up as the election was supposed to be over with before it got started.

One year into a four year term and President Obama has no gravitas, his political capital has been spent. I'm not sure how the label of being a great communicator applies anymore. He ran one of the slickest, most polished campaigns of all time in 2008! He earned accolades for his delivery and won the election on his oratory skills. His only real job was as a community organizer and getting voters to the polls. That was his bread and butter and it has not worked in three elections and one international selection committee.

Now the real dilemma for Democrats is upon them. They have a nightmare scenario on their hands!

They have a couple of choices to protect Obamacare:
1. They can pass the Senate plan. There are a lot of House members who do not like the Senate plan and it would be a very bitter pill to swallow as it is unpopular with both conservatives and liberals alike.

2. They can try to get the bill out of committee before Massachusetts can seat Brown. It is possible that the liberal machine pressures Massachusetts to delay seating Brown for as long as they can.

3. The so called nuclear option or reconciliation. This would be unheard of to try and would lead to massive liberal losses in November. This option would essentially take the sixty vote super majority the liberals enjoy and need to pass Obamacare and reduce it to a simple majority of fifty one votes. This is the option they would think long and hard about before using as the backlash would be swift and dramatic against the party in power. Campaign funds would pour into the coffers of any contender against a seated Senator.

You can be sure that Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, and Barack Obama are not going to get much sleep over the next few days as they figure out how to save their plan for destroying health care.

I'll sleep very well tonight knowing that the patriots in Massachusetts might have very well saved America as we know it tonight. The rejection of socialism is underway and it started tonight!

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