Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Teehee The Director!!!!

Last night I was sitting at home, Thing 2 was getting ready to go to the teen show rehearsal when I got a text from T. She was horribly sick and asked me what I thought of canceling rehearsal. I said that the teens needed the work and they could ill afford to skip a rehearsal so I'd step in and run it for her so she could stay medicated and resting.

About the time I was going to leave I received an IM from my friend Teehee. I told him what I was doing. It just so happened that he was in town and asked if he could help me out. Never one to turn down help or to spend time with a friend I gladly encouraged him to come up and help.

I stalked the front of the stage a few minutes after seven. Rehearsal starts at seven, I was expecting them to be in place by seven and ready to go, alas that is not what they thought. I understand that almost none of them have driver's licenses so they are relying on their parents to drive them so I couldn't be overly upset.

Taking T's notes for me I relayed that she was ill and Teehee and I would be running the show for the evening. I stated the simple fact that I wanted all cell phones to be lined up on the front of the stage before we began. Then that when they were backstage they needed to be in their scripts as a few of them do not have their lines down yet....a few days from tech week.

Midway through the second act I handed the script over to Teehee so I could walk around the backstage area and ensure that scripts were being read. Teehee gladly kept the script on my return to the front row and stayed on giving lines like Douglas on Tyson! He was all over them! The actors have problems with lines as was expected and the lead actor kept speeding through his lines and I couldn't understand him and neither could Teehee.

After the act was over I called for a five minute break and Teehee called the lead actor (the Jim J. Bullock lookalike) down to talk to him. Teehee told him to breathe after each sentence. I wasn't privy to the rest of his advice as I was returning from talking to the wall which was doing as much good as talking to a couple of the teens.

The second act started again and the lead actually was using the wisdom Teehee imparted to him! It was amazing!!!! Teehee is the Actor Whisperer!!!! After the second act was finished again he used a voice I have never heard!

He said he wanted everyone to the front of the stage and he told them how scary it was that they were this close to tech week and still didn't know their lines! He detailed how important that would be when the show opened.

Teehee took command and gave them a big dose of reality. I never had to say a word!!! It was so incredible!!!!

Teehee, you really need to direct a show. We talked last night about it but I just want to again tell you how great it would be if you took up that challenge!

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