Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I really amaze myself when I cook. I don't want this to sound arrogant at all, if you heard me talking about it in person it wouldn't be in that vocal tone. I made lasagna last night and it was really really good!

Took a pound of 93/7 hamburger and a pound of sweet Italian sausage, browned them together with minced garlic. Boiled about twenty lasagna noodles. Doctored two cans of sauce up with white pepper, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, dash of salt, some Italian seasoning, and a dash of garlic salt.

Then I started to layer the noodles, it went noodles, meat sauce, noodles, parmesan cheese, noodles, meat sauce with asiago and mozzarella cheese, noodles, meat sauce and the last of the mozzarella on top! I left out the ricotta cheese, never a big fan of it anyway. Into the oven for twenty five minutes and BAM! It was done!

The layers aren't traditional layers of meat sauce and cheese as I made one layer of cheese between two layers of noodles. It provided a great texture contrast as you were eating!

I couldn't stop eating it! It'll be lunch today for sure!!!!

I'm also really liking the new Facebook app update. Loving the push notifications! It really is pretty cool to have them pop up with the entire message on your screen so you don't have to start the app every once in a while to see what's up. If you commented on a thread and someone else does, it'll show up! Very cool:)

The Guest has found an apartment! The Date took The Guest around town yesterday to a few different places to see what we could get for him. Turns out they found an amazing place and one based on his income. Which is pretty much nothing other than social security. They have to appraise his house, which is burned up, and add 2% of that value to his income. He was very happy about the apartments and is excited to move in once the paper work is completed!

All is well in the world right now!

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