Saturday, January 16, 2010

What A Day!

Yeah, it was a good day:)

It started off with eight hours of work, no big deal. I can do that in eight hours, and I did do it in eight hours! So with work all taken care of I went to the SPCA to pick up Scotch from his dipping procedure. He hates going there now, but he is small and fits into a pet carrier so there isn't a lot that he can really do about it.

Yeah I feel for the kitty but it's for his own good and the other pet's benefit as well. Then I stop off and get some supper for the family. Once we are well fed I take a hot bath to let the remains of the day soak off of me.

Then it is off to meetings! Yay!!!! First up was the film festival meeting! I so believe in this project! It is an amazing opportunity to get some cutting edge culture into our small town! We have reserved dates, priced equipment, working on a name, planning a contest for the logo, and have had an all around good time planning it!

Next up was the Zombie Apocalypse of Doom meeting. We discussed what we have read, movies we have seen, and even talked over plans that we would do when the imminent ZAoD happens.
We will be raiding a pharmacy, survivors will needs drugs.
We will be raiding a liquor store, survivors will needs alcohol.
We will be stocking up on weapons, zombies must be killed.
We will be getting a big bus or semi and traveling North where the zombies won't be able to move as quickly as they would in tropical climates. We are banking on the Romero zombies as opposed to the 28 Days Later zombies. Everyone wants the slow and lumbering kind rather than the super humanly fast and smart kind.

Next up was karaoke. This was unknown to me but around 9:30 at Trey of Hearts they had a karaoke machine brought in and naturally Beersnob jumped at the chance to find us a ZAoD anthem...and he did.

With all apologies to Freddy Mercury and Queen, Beersnob changed the lyrics of Another One Bites the Dust to Another Zombie Bites the Dust. Not just once but every single time Freddy sang the word "one".

Now if you listen to the song again you'll notice that it is a lot of times. It felt like a lot of times and I'm positive that it was one of the best renditions of a popular song into a zombie anthem ever made on the fly...complete with dance moves.

Yes it was a fine time and we rolled out of there around midnight, I've got set call this morning and wanted to make sure I make it and can still function:)

Yeah I've got to say, it was a good day!

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