Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Good Saturday

Beersnob and I worked on the project I haven't mentioned yet for an hour or so. Got some stuff done on it and then we had some lunch to discuss where it'll go from here and what we need to do to get it to that point.

Stuff is being printed up, stuff is being shot, lots more work in the future though and that's what I'm looking forward to!

Our preparation will be top notch. Our skills, honestly I have to shake the rust off of some of my knowledge and I'm doing that so I can be proficient once again. I'll get to where I was shortly and surpass that point as this will challenge me and Beersnob to get better.

Last night I headed over to Chris's house for a small get together and I took Thing 2 with me. We watched his latest short film once again, the one I blogged about after Halloween. Now it is fixed and things have been tightened up and put into their places by his editor.

Then we watched Rope, the Hitchcock classic! There were a couple of people who had seen it years and years ago so I was nearly the only one familiar with the movie and how tense it is. Everyone thought it was a fantastic movie! It is, it is an outstanding movie and an example of how Hitchcock made movies. How he developed intensity and then ratcheted it up at the right time.

Documentary shooting is on tap for tonight and then another week of work!

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