Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Not A Bad First Day

Yeah it was super busy, I'll have my hands full for most of this week catching things up. I can handle it though. I've done more with less.

This week is Armageddon week on History channel. Love this channel! After a some doom and gloom I watched Russia: Land of the Czars. It has been on many times before but it's still interesting. To see a country that big and with that many natural resources just not make it to the level of America because of the monarchy and their backwards attitudes.

As Americans we kind of have a built in allergy to monarchy. We don't understand it or understand what it would be like living under one. We'd also flip if someone tried to create one here in the States and quickly depose such a ruler.

They only got the UK, France, and Russia so far and then....yeah. They kind of plateaued and got stale. Our Founding Fathers took their cues, learned from them, and laid the foundation to one of the fastest growing countries in the history of the world.

That's kind of why I don't feel there will be a Armageddon as the History channel points out. Barring a natural disaster of epic proportions like a asteroid, America will go on. It's too strong and resilient not to. Not because of the government but because of the people and what we represent to people of other countries. Freedom, a better life, opportunities. No President can destroy it in two terms and no President can build it in two terms. As we go through these dark days of pop politics keep that in mind.

I'm so looking forward to the mid-term elections! They will actually be the report card on how President Obama is doing, the people will decide again and adjust accordingly. Exciting times!

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