Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Exciting Day!

Yesterday was fraught with car repairs, moving some heavy things with Mr. Feeny, and more car repairs. There is a wire that isn't not sending the right signal to the starter now. Don't know why but that is likely what burned out the solenoid on the last starter.

Replacing the starter was easy (three to get it out maybe five to put the new one back in), finding out why the starter burned out in the first place to prevent the replaced starter from burning out....not so much.

Beersnob came over in the morning and took me up to O'Reilly's to get the old starter tested, it failed of course and they replaced it. He took me over to the quick shop to get a forty of Bud Light at 9:30 in the morning. That was actually kind of funny:) I'm sure the clerk has seen it before though.

We had a roast in the fridge to cook and I like using beer with a crock pot to cook roast and potatoes in.

Beersnob dropped me off at home and checked on me all day to see if I needed help. To be honest it was far beyond my skill. Wiring is my weak point for sure. I called Plumber Friend to come over and he did. He always does. I swear I could ask him to change the entire engine out in the middle of the night...in December and he would do it cheerfully and without even thinking of a payment in return. Really good guy, a genuine good guy.

He calls me with computer help questions and I call him for mechanical problems I can't fix, I've called him many more times than he has called me. I need to do something nice for him soon.

Today is an exciting day too! There is a very important Senatorial race being held in Massachusetts. This race could determine the fate of President Obama's health care debacle. Everyone agrees that insurance should be widely available and easy to afford. No one believes that you should be put in jail for not having it, at least freedom loving citizens who have actually read the Constitution and can comprehend it's meaning.

If Scott Brown wins today's election it could spell the end of the government take over of health care. If Martha Coakley wins it'll mean that Harry Reid has a filibuster proof majority and will make sure that it gets rammed through even though it'll be a massive upset and a clear sign people are upset with the Administration's solution for everything. More and bigger government. In deep blue Massachusetts if a conservative Republican should win the seat held by Teddy Kennedy? That is the equivalent of a wake up call to the House and Senate that if they proceed with their plans, they will lose their seats.

Unions will be exempt from the Cadillac plan tax for about five years if I read the reconciliation right. After that there will be a forty percent tax hike for union members who's plans cost over eight thousand dollars per year as a single and twenty three thousand for families. I've got one of those plans and so does everyone who works with me. We are not rich people and adding forty percent on top of what I pay will be devastating to our income.

Yes I know that the insurance company will be taxed for offering those plans, however they will not pay the tax out of the goodness of their hearts, they would go bankrupt. We will be taxed, you will be taxed if you have good insurance. If you are not in a union you will not escape the tax as I will escape it for a few years.

We all will share the burden of the uninsured, share the misery equally so that those who can't, don't want it, or can't afford it can have it. I'm all for those who are disabled and can't live on their own having insurance if they can't get it otherwise. Not those who just live off of the system because of X reason.

I'll be glued to the election coverage tonight for sure! The fate of our health care system might very well be voted on tonight.

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